Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What Have Your Kids Been Reading?

Hail All!

So what have your kids been reading?

We have reading hour during the day in the late afternoon and Library Day once a week...which is today!

Erika- I am so proud of her, she has been reading the books she couldn't get to over the school year. Aristophanes and Sophocles :).

Thora- I have forgotten, she reads so many. She loves those Victorian Era books from authors like Emily Bronte, Jane Austen, etc... EDIT: So I forgot all about the Angela Barret books..she is an illustrator for children's stories, mostly Grimms Fairy Tales. Thora just bought three of her books. Angela is an AWESOME illustrator. The lil girls love the books too. Keeps them captivated with rich art work and vivid stories. This is one of the books Thora bought:


Gunnar- Not much really. He read a book about Abraham Lincoln, a sniper, books about jiu jitsu, judo, etc... LOL...such a jock :) OH Ya, Harry Potter.

Hakon- Tons of animal books...he has really been interested in science.

My lil ladies, Princesses...tons of princesses and fairies. They pick out books every time we are at the library. I must say they found the most awesome author...

Elsa Beskow

Her books are unbelievably rich in content and illustration. Every page pulls you into the Swedish countryside, sea, glen, you name it. We brought ever book home that was at the library and each story was beautiful. She is very much the Beatrix Potter of Sweden.

Even our oldest children loved the stories and illustrations.

So...any cool finds this summer?



gloria said...

i've been on a Henry VIII kick which started when i accidentaly picked up 'The Other Boleyn Girl'...i thought it would be fluff but it was actually incredibly good. i'm now on my fourth historical fiction about the Tudors and my second non-fiction!

Daylon is reading 'White Fang' as his first language arts novel this year. over the summer he read the whole Fablehaven series by Brandon Mull, very Harry Potter-ish...he loved it!

the little ones are listening to 'The Wind in the Willows' on audiobook and reading everything they can get their eyes on!

Hyndla OR said...

Thank you Gloria!

I wish I had more time to read. I have been slowly working through "The Asatru Edda". It is good so far, but then I didn't doubt it would be.

Thanks so much!